Once graduating from their Advanced Individual Training, Soldiers at DLI can be in courses between 26-64 weeks long. The school offers training in several different languages, including Tagalog, Indonesian, Arabic, Chinese Mandarin, Persian Farsi, Korean, and Pashto. The Defense Department's Defense Language Institute at Presidio of Monterey, Calif., will teach Soldiers the standards necessary to achieve a specific language specialty. Those Soldiers who enter the Army in a linguist program are not required be fluent in a language to eventually become an Army linguist. The criticality of designated languages can influence how much a Soldier earns in monthly bonuses. However, all Soldiers outside of those specialties can earn foreign language proficiency pay for maintaining fluency in a designated foreign language. The Army manages at least two linguist MOSs - 09L, known as an interpreter/translator, and 35P, which resides in the Army's military intelligence community.
Today's full spectrum operations require adaptable foreign language and cultural capabilities to be fully successful." Cryptologic linguists maintain the Military Occupational Specialty, 35P their role in identifying and analyzing foreign communications is crucial as the nation's security depends largely on information that originates in foreign languages.Īn excerpt from the 2009 Army Culture and Foreign Language Strategy validates the importance of foreign language and cultural awareness to Soldiers, saying, "Battlefield lessons learned have demonstrated that language proficiency and understanding of foreign culture are vital enablers for full spectrum operations. In collaboration with the Army's global mission, Army linguists hone their skills by translating, interpreting and speaking some of the world's most diverse languages to support battlefield commanders worldwide. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL 5 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – (Photo Credit: U.S. Defar stands in front of a vehicle in Iraq while serving as an Arabic interpreter for coalition forces in the initial stages of the Iraq War. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL 4 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Defar is a native-born Iraqi who served as a linguist for coalition forces in Iraq, and eventually became a U.S. naturalization certificate during a ceremony in Seattle in 2014. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL 3 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Knicely has a desire to further his linguist ability by adding Spanish and French to his la. Joshua Knicely, a Soldier with B Co., 163rd MI Battalion, 504th Military Intelligence Brigade, stands outside his company headquarters at West Fort Hood. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL 2 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – As a cryptologic linguist, Shin trained to translate d. Kihwan Shin, of A Company, 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Military Intelligence Brigade, and native of South Korea, often speaks his native Korean language to support the Army.